Our Process

Each Blue Balloon author works closely with an editor who guides them through the entire production process. Ultimately, we’re a service organization, and our authors hire us for our expertise and ability to create, market, and distribute a high-quality book that is available everywhere books are sold.

Our experts help with content, illustrations and design, production, distribution, and marketing & PR.

No one-size fits all here: We recognize that each project is unique; therefore, after an acquisitions editor consultation, we will create a custom publishing proposal based on author needs and goals.

Blue Balloon authors retain editorial control, all intellectual property rights, and the majority of royalties.

Our Team

Andy Symonds

President & Publisher

Lauren Green

Director of Author Services

Kayleigh Rucinski

Director of Production

David Vasquez

Head of Accounting

Beau Johnson

Acquisitions Assistant

Camma Duhamell

Senior Acquisitions Editor

Fabiana Beuses

Editorial Assistant

Kent Lutt

Audiobook Producer and Narrator

Lily Hartman

Acquisitions Editor

Sarah De Vos

Marketing Manager

Daryn Schvimmer

Marketing Assistant

If you have an engaging idea for a children’s book, we want to hear from you.

Talk to an Acquisitions Editor