The Adventures of Pilot Pete will spark in children the same fascination with flight that Peter Weber (also known as Pete the Pilot from “The Bachelor”) found as a young boy.

This book, Peter’s first, is intended for children ages 3-12 and follows a young Peter, as his father inspires in him a love of airplanes. Peter grows up but never loses his wonder with human flight, and, after years of long hours and intense study, achieves a lifelong dream.

Told in an easy-to-read, approachable tone and gorgeously illustrated to highlight the characters’ emotions, The Adventures of Pilot Pete will instill values in children that every parent wants them to have: the courage to follow their dreams, the pluck to fight through hard times, and a deep appreciation for friends and family.


Book Reviews

  • "I ordered this book for my son for Christmas and we read it together all the time! It’s a cute story and inspires kids to dream big. The sky’s the limit!"