My grandson is the best grandson. He brightens the room and warms my heart. He gives each day a shining start.

Join author Jackie Winkelmann on a heartwarming journey as she celebrates the extraordinary bond between grandsons and grandparents from all corners of the globe. My Grandson is a beautiful tribute to the love and laughter shared between generations. From going on early morning adventures to overcoming life’s challenges, the boys and their grandparents in this story create lasting memories together. This lovely tale reminds young readers that the most precious moments are often the simple ones spent with loved ones. It inspires children to embrace positivity, confidence, and the enduring power of family.

About the Author:

Jackie Winkelmann has privately shared her creativity with family and friends for many years. She loves to transform everyday life events into warm stories, funny rhymes, and heartfelt greeting cards. Jackie is a registered nurse and lives with her husband in Texas. She is the proud mother of two amazing daughters and now has five wonderful grandchildren, who are the inspiration for many of her stories. She is now thrilled to publish her children’s book My Grandson. In addition to writing, Jackie enjoys spending time with family and friends, being outdoors, and traveling.